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Jul 24, 2018   l   Geotecnia    l   power-technology   
Hundreds missing after Laos dam collapses 
Laos state news has reported hundreds are missing following the collapse of Xepian-Xe Nam Noy hydroelectric dam in the south-eastern province of Attapeu.
Jun 5, 2018   l   Geotecnia    l   Fuente    l   La recopilación de la información fué realizada por el Ing. Roy Ruiz
Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Hidroituango 
Hidroituango es una obra de grandes dimensiones ubicada en el corazón de la cordillera de los Andes, en el occidente de Antioquia, a unos 570 kilómetros de Bogotá. Suplirá cerca del 17% de la demanda de energía de Colombia.
May 25, 2017   l   Geotecnia    l  
Nueva Junta Directiva se eligió en la celebración de la Asamblea Ordinaria Extraordinaria de la ACG
El pasado 15 de diciembre del 2016, se celebró en el Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles, la Asamblea Ordinaria y Extraordinaria de la ACG, actividad en la cual se procedió a elegir los nuevos miembros de Junta Directiva, entre los otros puntos de agenda.
May 25, 2017   l   Geotecnia    l  
Colegas de la región se reúnen para capacitarse en Cimentaciones Especiales
La Asociación Costarricense de Geotecnia fue el organizador del Seminario de Cimentaciones Especiales: Estado del arte y últimos avances, el cual fue el segundo seminario especializado en Geotecnia que realiza la Asociación, el cual se llevó a cabo el 8 y 9 de noviembre en el Hotel Best Western Irazú.
May 25, 2017   l   Geotecnia    l  
Giras técnicas forman parte del Programa de capacitación anual de la ACG
La Asociación Costarricense de Geotecnia, en miras de fortalecer los procesos de capacitación de sus agremiados y los profesionales del área, realizó el pasado 1° de abril una gira técnica a APM Terminals.
May 25, 2017   l   infobae    l  
El desborde de la represa de Oroville en California obligó a la evacuación de casi 200 mil personas
Las fuertes lluvias causaron un aumento del nivel del lago artificial y la salida del agua por encima del embalce. Fue activado un aliviadero de emergencia, pero está muy dañado: por eso, las autoridades temen que ceda provocando una corriente que inundaría a las localidades de las zonas más bajas.
Mar 06, 2017   l   fastcompany    l   ADELE PETERS
Santiago’s Subway Will Soon Be The First To Run On Mostly Solar And Wind Power
A solar system will pump electricity directly from Chile’s Atacama desert to the city, 400 miles away.
Mar 06, 2017   l   Autodesk    l  
What's new in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018
New features enhance design and production efficiency and workflow collaboration.
Nov 15, 2016   l   Yahoo    l   Yahoo New Zealand
'Absolutely mind blowing': Aerial photos 'show seabed lift' north of Kaikoura
A batch of photos shared by an environment and engineering consultancy reveal the scale of the seabed uplift north of Kaikoura, the company claims.
Ago 16, 2016   l   Engineering    l   Erin Green
The Evolution of Modern Tunnel Construction
Maybe tunnel construction sounds like a boring topic to some, but if you dig deep, there are plenty of engineering challenges to overcome and exciting opportunities to discover.
May 26, 2016   l   popsci    l  G. Clay Whittaker
Watch this interface replicate the movements of water
Imagine studying wave patterns without ever getting wet. That's just one of the many applications of Materiable, a new interface designed to mimic the properties of other materials with responsive blocks
ABR 6, 2016   l    l   Griffin Brumbaugh
5 Issues Dominating the Civil Engineering Profession
As an engineer, you are always tackling new challenges. It is important for you to stay informed on issues affecting your profession, so you can be prepared with better solutions for tomorrow. Watch these videos from the Interchange series as ASCE’s senior managing director Casey Dinges interviews industry leaders on the hot topics dominating the civil engineering profession
MAR 29 2016   l    l  CHARLIE SORREL
This Amazing Amsterdam Tunnel Keeps Bikes And Pedestrians Apart—And Cars Out
A new bike and pedestrian tunnel in Amsterdam runs 361 feet and connects people to the main railway station and to the port, where they can continue by ferry. But its spectacular split design, which clearly cuts the tunnel into two halves according to their usage, is also notable for another reason. Even though it looks—at first glance—as big as a car tunnel, no cars are allowed.
Mar 2, 2016   l    l  Vicky Nguyen, David Paredes and Michael Bott
Wrong Pipes Installed at BART Berryessa Station, But VTA Says No Repairs Needed
The Valley Transportation Authority is overseeing the BART extension from the East Bay to San Jose but the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit has learned about an underground mistake. Crews installed 1,400 feet of cast iron pipe instead of PVC pipe
FEB 26 2016   l    l  Erin Green
5 Civil Engineering Failures and What They Taught Us
Whether it’s a dam that proves the necessity of better inspection techniques or a famous bridge that just couldn’t stand the wind, the built environment is always showing us that there’s still more to learn. This infographic from Ohio University’s Russ College of Engineering gives us a look at five well-known failures from the past century and what civil engineers learned from these events to ensure that they never happen again
JAN 15, 2015   l   forbes    l  James Marshall Crotty
Geotechnical Engineering: The In-Demand, High-Pay, Easy-Entry Job You've Likely Never Heard Of
I was posting up with a friend back in my hometown over the holidays when the subject of his line of work came up. My compadre – whom I’ve known since we dominated the local pee-wee hoops circuit – works as a geotechnical engineer for a midwest-based engineering and consulting concern.
SEP 25, 2015   l   youtube    l  Geo-Institute of ASCE
The Coming of Age of Soil Mechanics: 1920-1970 - 1993 Buchanan Lecture
The Spencer J. Buchanan Lecture Series on the GeoChannel is presented by the Geo-Institute of ASCE. For more information about the Geo-Institute.
ENE 19 2016   l    l  Catherine A. Cardno, Ph.D.
World’s first floating wind farm to be built off scottish coast
The floating wind farm will be built by global energy company Statoil as an industrial-sized, proof-of-concept pilot test for the commercial production of such wind parks. Last year was a record year for wind energy generation in the United Kingdom, and records were set in weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual wind generation measurements, according to the renewable energy trade association RenewableUK.
OCT 20 2015   l    l  Catherine A. Cardno, Ph.D.
Puente de características especiales en Singapour
In 2008, the completion of the Marina Barrage in Singapore created an engineered boundary between the sea and the mouths of five rivers. With the construction of the dam, the risks posed by rising tides and flooding in low-lying urban areas ended and the estuary was transformed into a fresh water reservoir that could provide drinking water as needed.
OCT 13 2015   l   asce    l  Kevin Wilcox
Concreto inflable, una nueva opción para obtener refugios de concreto en un tiempo muy corto
When one thinks of concrete, "inflatable" isn't one of the first words that comes to mind. Yet two engineers in the United Kingdom have developed and are marketing an inflatable structure that forms a robust concrete shell once hydrated.
OCT 13 2015   l   edition.cnn.    l  Lidz-Ama Appiah, CNN
La obra de ingeniería más grande de Europa
Set to open in 2018, the Crossrail expansion of London's rail network is the largest civil engineering project in Europe. Once complete, 56 kilometers (35 miles) of new tunnels, stations and interchanges will connect the outer suburbs to the city center and Heathrow airport, nearly 40 meters (131 feet) below the city.
OCT 07 2015   l   National Geographic    l  Brian Clark Howard
Fallas en presas 4 aspectos por los que se han presentado
Asociación de Geotecnia presentó el Código Geotécnico de Taludes y Laderas de Costa RicaMore than a dozen dams have failed this week in South Carolina amid catastrophic flooding that has destroyed homes and businesses and left more than a dozen people dead. Authorities are warning that additional failures are possible. The ultimate cause is too much rainfall over a short period, but the disaster also points to longer-term problems in infrastructure that are putting thousands of people at risk around the world.
AGO 10 2015   l   Lanamme - UCR    l  Gabriela Contreras
Asociación de Geotecnia presentó el Código Geotécnico de Taludes y Laderas de Costa Rica
Asociación de Geotecnia presentó el Código Geotécnico de Taludes y Laderas de Costa RicaLa Asociación Costarricense de Geotecnia presentó oficialmente el Código Geotécnico de Taludes y Laderas de Costa Rica, uno de los propósitos de la actividad era darlo a conocer entre los profesionales y que puedan empezar a incorporarlo como referencia técnica para su aplicación en el ejercicio laboral y el desarrollo de proyectos.
ABR 28 2015   l   La Nación   l  AFP
Ampliación del Canal de Panamá entra en fase final tras colocación de última compuerta
Ampliación del Canal de PanamáLa ampliación del Canal de Panamá entrará este martes en su recta final, tras la colocación de la última compuerta de las nuevas esclusas que empezarán a inundarse en un mes y a operar en un año, informaron fuentes oficiales.
MAR 02 2015   l   Revista Summa   l  
El primer metro de Centroamérica en Panamá se convirtió en un éxito económico y social
Primr metro en PanamáPanamá se apresta a empezar a construir en los próximos meses dos líneas más de metro después de que la primera lleva ya casi un año de funcionamiento en un proceso que ha sido “un éxito económico, social y ambiental”, dijo hoy a Acan-Efe el ministro del sector, Roberto Roy.
FEB 20 2015   l   gizmag   l  
Crossrail: Dentro de los túneles del proyecto de construcción más grande de Europa
Crossrail_Inside_tunnels_Europes_biggest_constructionCreating a new 118-km (73-mile) rail route with 10 new stations and 42 km (26 miles) of new tunnels is no mean feat. The logistics of doing so in one of the world’s major cities, however, are staggering. That is the task for the UK's Crossrail line. Major tunneling ends in May, so Gizmag went to take a look.
FEB 02 2015   l   l  
Alcanzando las limitaciones de diseño de TBM bajo el Lago Mead
Alcanzando las limitaciones de diseño de TBM bajo el Lago MeadThe race to complete the Lake Mead deep intake No. 3 tunnel in Nevada, USA, is, put simply, the story of a TBM being pushed beyond its design limitations to get the job done before the desert city of Las Vegas, quite literally, runs dry. Peter Kenyon of TunnelTalk speaks to Vegas Tunnel Constructors Project Manager Jim Nickerson for the contractor, and South Nevada Water Authority Project Manager Erika Moonin for the client, about an extreme drive through worse than anticipated ground under hydrostatic pressures that have so far reached 15 bar.
FEB 02 2015   l   The Telegrahp   l  
Going underground
Going undergroundLatest photos from Crossrail project under London.
ENE 29 2015   l   crhoy   l   Rebeca Madrigal
Interamericana Sur seguirá con cierre indefinido
Interamericana sur seguirá con cierre indefinidoDesde la madrugada de este jueves, la ruta 2 (Interamericana sur) se encuentra cerrada debido a un deslizamiento que ocurrió entre el kilómetro 33, unos 5 kilómetros luego de Tejar del Guarco de Cartago y que arrastró un vehículo y al menos dos motocicletas.
ENE 22 2015   l   The Sydney Morning Herald   l   Eryk Bagshaw
North West rail link: tunnel burrows through to Norwest station
North West rail link: tunnel burrows through to Norwest stationAfter 25,000 man hours underground smashing through 206,000 tonnes of crushed rock in north-west Sydney, Elizabeth, the state's premier tunnel boring machine, has punched through the walls of Norwest station in Baulkham Hills.
ENE 13 2015   l   Civil Engineering   l   Catherine A. Cardno, Ph.D.
Indonesian University to be built on stilts
Indonesian University to be built on stiltsA new university campus to be built in Tangerang Selatan, on the island of Java in Indonesia, will touch lightly on the landscape by utilizing a series of low-rise buildings built on stilts.
DIC 23 2014   l   Civil Engineering   l   Catherine A. Cardno, Ph.D.
Significant railway system under way in qatar
Significant railway system under way in qatarThe Qatar Integrated Railway Project will include more than 95 stations and will be built in two phases. The first 35 stations are expected to open by 2020.
DIC 12 2014   l   l   Alex Davies
Photos: See the Progress on NYC’s Long-Awaited 2nd Avenue Subway
Photos: See the Progress on NYC’s Long-Awaited 2nd Avenue SubwayFor New Yorkers, the Second Avenue Subway is something of a punchline, an accepted local synonym for “when pigs fly.” It’s easy to see why: City officials have been talking about a second line on Manhattan’s East Side since the 1920s, and the construction has been delayed so many times that former man-in-charge Michael Bloomberg says he’s got a 50-50 shot at living to see it open (he’s 72)..
DIC 11 2014   l   l   Carlos Arrieta Pérez
Lanamme y el MOPT definen las prioridades para el próximo año
Lanamme y el MOPT definen las prioridades para el próximo añoEl Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT), El Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales (Lanamme), y los demás integrantes del Grupo Consenso anunciaron 46 obras prioritarias del país para el año 2015.

Formulario Afiliación
Electrical Resistivity at Internal Erosion Locations in Levees
Electrical Resistivity at Internal Erosion Locations in Levees

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  Forensic Analysis of Levee Failures: The Breitenhagen Case
Forensic Analysis of Levee Failures: The Breitenhagen Case

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  Geotechnical Observations of Dams Failed During the 2015 Historic Flooding in South Carolina
Geotechnical Observations of Dams Failed During the 2015 Historic Flooding in South Carolina
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  Infiltration Study for Deep Foundations in Ephemeral Streams
Infiltration Study for Deep Foundations in Ephemeral Streams
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    Reparación y Restauración de Taludes - Carreteras de Montaña Ver detalle

    Reparación y Restauración de Taludes - Carreteras de Montaña
    29 y 30 de setiembre
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Sede de la ACG: Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles, Curridabat
Tel. 2103-2413 / 2103-2212 Ext. 107 - Apartado postal 2346 – 1000 San José
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